1. Wildlife Coordinator, Hull – Full Time
Youth in Nature
Salary: £24,500 p.a. plus up to 9% pension contribution
Would you like to be part of a major new environmental scheme to get young people active for wildlife and the environment? Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, a dynamic and evolving organisation, are looking for an enthusiastic advocate for wildlife to work with young people. The post is based at the Trust’s Pearson Park Office in Hull but will work with Youth in Nature partner organisations, PROBE (Hull) Ltd and Child Dynamix at a range of office and green space locations around Hull. This five year project is funded by Big Lottery and aims to combine youth work with environmental action.
You will have strong organisational skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a proven track record of youth engagement and practical conservation experience. Please note this post is subject to satisfactory DBS clearance at enhanced level.
See www.ywt.org.uk for more details or for an application pack ring 01904 659570 or e-mail info@ywt.org.uk
Please note we don’t accept CVs
Application closing date: 9 am on Tuesday 23 February 2016
Interview date: Week beginning Monday 7 March 2016
Child Dynamix has the following vacancy
2. full time Youth & Community Worker based at Child Dynamix East Hull
SCP 18-25 (£18536) to (£23244) based on experience
Would you like to be part of a major new environmental scheme to get young people active for wildlife and the environment?
We are looking for a highly motivated and inspirational Youth and Community worker who has a keen interest in the environment to work on an exciting new project in Hull. The project will work closely with PROBE (Hull) Ltd and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to deliver Youth in Nature a lottery funded project from April 2016 until August 2020.
• A minimum level 5 qualification
• At least 2 year’s relevant experience
• Good planning and organisational skills
• A good level of IT skills in particular the ability to use databases
• Must be able to work evenings, weekends and holiday periods
Please contact:
Jane Lambert – Child Dynamix, 95 Preston Road, Hull, HU9 3QB
E-mail: jane.lambert@childdynamix.co.uk Tel: 01482 221425
for an application form.
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 23rd February
Interviews Saturday 5th March 2016
4th April 2016 start for successful candidate
Child Dynamix is an equal opportunities employer.
Subject to receipt of a satisfactory DBS clearance and references.
Note: This is not a property of HANA