City Health Care Partnership CIC and Humber NHS Foundation Trust provide community health services for Hull. They deliver over 75 services in a community setting including End of Life, District Nursing, TB clinics, Community Paediatric Nursing, Health Visitors, School Nursing, Stop Smoking Support, Weight Management, Sexual Health, Dentistry, Public Health, Prison Health, GP Practices, Minor Injury Units, Eating Disorders and Psychological Wellbeing.
A range of community nursing and therapies services is available at your local health centre. For information on access to these services and opening times for your nearest clinic see the contact details below.
City Health Care Partnership www.chcphull.nhs.uk
Tel: 01482 347620
Humber NHS Foundation Trust www.humber.nhs.uk
Tel: 01482 301700

If you are a parent or carer with a child or children under 20, the Family Information Service (FIS) can provide you with free, impartial advice and information.
Visit www.fis@hullcc.gov.uk or call 01482 318318 for information on:
• finding local childcare
• choosing childcare
• help with childcare costs
• flexible, free early education
• children’s centres*
• support for childcare providers
* Children’s centres offer all families with children under five a range of services, information and support in their local community.
Children’s centres work closely with other local organisations, so if there is something they can’t help you with themselves, they will usually be able to give you details of an organisation who can.

Every family with a child under the age of five years of age has a health visitor. Their role is to offer support and professional advice to families through the early years – from pregnancy and birth to primary school.
Health visiting teams deal with the following issues:
• breastfeeding & weaning
• healthy eating
• hygiene
• safety in the home
• postnatal depression
• bereavement
• children’s growth and development
• attachment and bonding
• minor ailments
• behaviour issues
• sleeping
• eating
• potty training
• teething
• role of the father
• family support in times of crisis
• support of children with special needs
Members of health visiting teams are available 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
There are four health visiting teams within neighbourhood areas across the city. Please visit www.chcphull.nhs.uk for more information or call 01482 347620.