Sexual health services are available FREE of charge at:
Wilberforce Health Centre
6-10 Story Street
Tel: 01482 336336
Services include information about, and supplies of, contraceptives (all methods); emergency contraception and referrals for female sterilisation.
You don’t need a prior appointment and can “drop in” for advice. On arrival at the centre please report to the main reception which is located on the second floor.
The Warren
47-49 Queens Dock Avenue
Tel: 01482 218115
The Warren provides free condoms to young people (16-25 years ) and can also offer pregnancy testing, chlamydia testing and general sexual health support and information.
The NHS Treatment Centre (within the Freedom Centre)
Preston Road
Tel: 01482 344580
Confidential pop-in services for young people, offering contraception emergency contraception, condoms, free pregnancy testing and screening for sexually transmitted diseases.
Family planning clinics
These drop-in clinics are held at different places throughout Hull at different days and times. Please call 01482 336336 for information on opening times
Emergency contraception
You can get emergency contraception from family-planning clinics, GP services and certain pharmacies. NHS 111 will have full details of out-of-hours arrangements by ringing 111.
Free online sexual health advice Visit City Health Care Partnership CIC’s Luvhull website at www.luvhull.co.uk