Are you interested in a career where you use your ideas and energy to help people to find solutions to social issues and problems? Perhaps you are already a volunteer in an important social project? Maybe you are looking for a challenging and rewarding role that has a positive impact in your community?
The University of Hull is launching a new degree in 2019 that aims to equip graduates to become successful social innovators and creative charity workers. This new programme, called Social Enterprise and Creative Care (BA Hons) will enable graduates to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence that they need to thrive in independent social businesses such as social enterprises or charities.
Much of the degree will focus on social care issues and solutions but our approach is wide. The course will help you to think about how creativity and innovation can enhance the lives of disadvantaged communities and individuals or people with other social and economic barriers in their lives. A key part of our approach will be to introduce students to some amazing innovators and pioneers who are keen to share their stories, insights and enthusiasm. One of the most exciting features of the programme will be the opportunity to work with a partner agency to develop a new initiative or project that will bring clear benefits to a group or a location. We will support you to put your enterprising ideas into action!
If this sounds interesting and appealing then please have a look at our website to find out more or get in touch directly and come and meet us –